Now is Our Time - Become a Pro-Activist!
this is hard hitting...
Things now need to Drastically Change... whatever your politics we all know that any disaster or tragedy needs to be managed with Good if not GREAT LEADERSHIP... Period! Saving and Preserving the People, the Animals and the Land should not be about which party you stand for, or what you believe in your own world... unfortunately its far bigger than that. This is now about Survival!
situation in Australia, America and many other troubled countries
is a mirror of where we are at as humans today...
ÀND it doesn't look good.
BUT it can also be an opportunity to 'Wake Up' to what's occurring in our world instead of burying our heads in the sand because its not happening on our doorstep... YET!
It can certainly feel overwhelming to continually watch or hear bad news on TV or social media... believe me I feel it too. None of us want to see let alone experience mass fires devastating neighbouring countries, leaving people homeless with whole communities destroyed, millions of animals with no hope of escape killed in appalling ways, maybe to the extinction of certain species. To see one country invading another, destroying many innocent people's lives alongside the 'supposed agenda'... and mass migration across the world due to wars, poverty, famine and drought... unfortunately often man made due to greed, power and an egoic sense of self righteousness... is overwhelming!
I rarely speak out in such a direct way as I believe we all have our own journey and its neither right or wrong it just is. I also believe that as humans and often even in nature we need polarity and contrast to define where we stand and what we believe and where we choose to make a stand in our lives whether privately or in public. BUT for everyone there's often a tipping point, usually when it impacts you personally ie. in job loss, relationship loss, health or wealth loss or the death of those you love. For some, changes occur gradually whereas, for others radical change occur very fast. At times like these we are often pulled to the ground and have no choice but to re-evaluate our lives to define if what we are doing is serving us. AND then gradually step by step we implement small positive steps to update and improve our lives and the world we live in, as we climb up the ladder of hope and aspiration.
Humans are
strange creatures and unfortunately we often need some sort of devastation or
a personal tragedy or severe 'pain' to implement positive change. As the
thought of moving from our 'comfort zone' makes us feel vulnerable and induces fear as though somehow we'll lose out on something by stepping out of the known... The
transition to create change certainly has its challenges, but without it,
whether chosen or not, we wither away and die.
We are now very firmly in a time of Change on our planet...
whether we like it or not, whether we resist it or not... its Happening!
Working with 100's clients individually and speaking to 1000's people over the last 25 years I've found that the biggest thing that helps people create small or massive transformation in their life is to create a platform of safety from which you can make those imperative changes. It takes people fully Owning the challenges they feel, think and do so things are out in the open. So they are not subconsciously being driven by fears that put them continually in a reactive state of fight (ego, arrogance, bullying, self righteousness etc), or flight (ego, head in the sand, insecurity, blaming, denial, procrastination etc.).
From a place of Owning what
doesn't work, only then can people work on fully Owning their Gifts, Talents and their true Value (even if you don't believe you have any you do, its there
hidden away just waiting for you to shine a light on it) to assist them to
create the transformation needed.
Like transforming metal into Gold we need an Alchemy of many things to start changing and updating our own personal world, so that we can collaborate to start rectifying what we have done consciously or unconsciously to our planet to date.
AND Yes we can all say 'its not my fault, others did this' and continue to ignore the reality of what's really going on around us due fear or just plain wanting to stay in our comfort zone. Or we can decide this new decade is about taking even small steps (as everything counts now) to make a difference in our world. And for those called to make a bigger difference to transform our world , as so many of my friends and colleagues are through shining a light on what needs to be fully 'Owned' to arrest the greed and the lack of care going on with our precious resources, which by the way are actually finite. Those resources are The People of our world, The Animals of our world and above all The Nature of our world and our Eco-systems, without which long term, we will perish and actually cease to exist.
For those of you that want to jump on the political bandwagon about anything I've said, so be it that is your right. But to you I say this is not about being a Conservative, National, Republican, Democrat, Green, Liberal, Labour, Communist, Socialist or any other political voter. This is about all of us as a Collective finally working together to stop creating more problems through division. To start Creating sustainable solutions in our personal world to transfer into the bigger picture of People and Planet before Profit.
It needs Presence, Ownership, Leadership and Collaboration to create a positive shift!
It's completely up to You what you decide to do or not do...
But know every Choice you make large or small Matters it ALL Makes a Difference!
What you
choose to buy, what you choose to eat, how you choose to live, how you use your
money, how you vote, how you choose to treat yourself, how you choose to treat
others, whether you choose to do nothing. Or whether you choose to take 1 x step toward positive change in one area of your life that has a knock
effect you may not even be aware of down the line. It all Matters, it All
I would never consider myself an Activist... but recently with the fires burning in Australia and the devastation occurring, alongside ongoing wars being created due to egoic need for power and control, that's only now starting to wake up some of the 'more blinkered' of society to what's occurring. I can totally see why people that never spoke up in the past are becoming activists.
For many, the word activist is seen as a negative word and can be associated with either extreme left or right wing views and people fear the impact it may have on them (rightly in some cases) . But what's going on in our world goes beyond that now...
To be Present to yourself, and to others and what's going on in your world. To Own it, all of it, the challenges and the gifts. So You can be proactive to take greater leadership of yourself, your life and your world through your thoughts, your words, your behaviour and your actions. Change doesn't have to be difficult or overwhelming if YOU take charge and choose to proactively take 1 x small step each day. So you're more empowered to Make Your Difference in our beautiful world by becoming a more effective 'Pro-Activist'. .
BUT don't wait until its too late!
Now is the time to be bolder so we ALL become better 'Pro-activists'. To Step Up and Own what needs updating in YOUR world. So we can all work Together to Save OUR World...
Be Bold become a 'PRO-ACTIVIST'
Together WE Can Make a Difference... OUR TIME IS NOW!
Things now need to Drastically Change... whatever your politics we all know that any disaster or tragedy needs to be managed with Good if not GREAT LEADERSHIP... Period! Saving and Preserving the People, the Animals and the Land should not be about which party you stand for, or what you believe in your own world... unfortunately its far bigger than that. This is now about Survival!

is a mirror of where we are at as humans today...
ÀND it doesn't look good.
BUT it can also be an opportunity to 'Wake Up' to what's occurring in our world instead of burying our heads in the sand because its not happening on our doorstep... YET!
It can certainly feel overwhelming to continually watch or hear bad news on TV or social media... believe me I feel it too. None of us want to see let alone experience mass fires devastating neighbouring countries, leaving people homeless with whole communities destroyed, millions of animals with no hope of escape killed in appalling ways, maybe to the extinction of certain species. To see one country invading another, destroying many innocent people's lives alongside the 'supposed agenda'... and mass migration across the world due to wars, poverty, famine and drought... unfortunately often man made due to greed, power and an egoic sense of self righteousness... is overwhelming!
I rarely speak out in such a direct way as I believe we all have our own journey and its neither right or wrong it just is. I also believe that as humans and often even in nature we need polarity and contrast to define where we stand and what we believe and where we choose to make a stand in our lives whether privately or in public. BUT for everyone there's often a tipping point, usually when it impacts you personally ie. in job loss, relationship loss, health or wealth loss or the death of those you love. For some, changes occur gradually whereas, for others radical change occur very fast. At times like these we are often pulled to the ground and have no choice but to re-evaluate our lives to define if what we are doing is serving us. AND then gradually step by step we implement small positive steps to update and improve our lives and the world we live in, as we climb up the ladder of hope and aspiration.

We are now very firmly in a time of Change on our planet...
whether we like it or not, whether we resist it or not... its Happening!
Working with 100's clients individually and speaking to 1000's people over the last 25 years I've found that the biggest thing that helps people create small or massive transformation in their life is to create a platform of safety from which you can make those imperative changes. It takes people fully Owning the challenges they feel, think and do so things are out in the open. So they are not subconsciously being driven by fears that put them continually in a reactive state of fight (ego, arrogance, bullying, self righteousness etc), or flight (ego, head in the sand, insecurity, blaming, denial, procrastination etc.).

create the transformation needed.
Like transforming metal into Gold we need an Alchemy of many things to start changing and updating our own personal world, so that we can collaborate to start rectifying what we have done consciously or unconsciously to our planet to date.
AND Yes we can all say 'its not my fault, others did this' and continue to ignore the reality of what's really going on around us due fear or just plain wanting to stay in our comfort zone. Or we can decide this new decade is about taking even small steps (as everything counts now) to make a difference in our world. And for those called to make a bigger difference to transform our world , as so many of my friends and colleagues are through shining a light on what needs to be fully 'Owned' to arrest the greed and the lack of care going on with our precious resources, which by the way are actually finite. Those resources are The People of our world, The Animals of our world and above all The Nature of our world and our Eco-systems, without which long term, we will perish and actually cease to exist.
For those of you that want to jump on the political bandwagon about anything I've said, so be it that is your right. But to you I say this is not about being a Conservative, National, Republican, Democrat, Green, Liberal, Labour, Communist, Socialist or any other political voter. This is about all of us as a Collective finally working together to stop creating more problems through division. To start Creating sustainable solutions in our personal world to transfer into the bigger picture of People and Planet before Profit.
It needs Presence, Ownership, Leadership and Collaboration to create a positive shift!
But know every Choice you make large or small Matters it ALL Makes a Difference!
I would never consider myself an Activist... but recently with the fires burning in Australia and the devastation occurring, alongside ongoing wars being created due to egoic need for power and control, that's only now starting to wake up some of the 'more blinkered' of society to what's occurring. I can totally see why people that never spoke up in the past are becoming activists.
For many, the word activist is seen as a negative word and can be associated with either extreme left or right wing views and people fear the impact it may have on them (rightly in some cases) . But what's going on in our world goes beyond that now...
As Neil
Armstrong said when he stepped on the moon...
"One small step for man, one giant
step for mankind".
Now its Our time to be Bold..
To be Present to yourself, and to others and what's going on in your world. To Own it, all of it, the challenges and the gifts. So You can be proactive to take greater leadership of yourself, your life and your world through your thoughts, your words, your behaviour and your actions. Change doesn't have to be difficult or overwhelming if YOU take charge and choose to proactively take 1 x small step each day. So you're more empowered to Make Your Difference in our beautiful world by becoming a more effective 'Pro-Activist'. .
BUT don't wait until its too late!
Now is the time to be bolder so we ALL become better 'Pro-activists'. To Step Up and Own what needs updating in YOUR world. So we can all work Together to Save OUR World...
Be Bold become a 'PRO-ACTIVIST'
Together WE Can Make a Difference... OUR TIME IS NOW!
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